Sunday, February 25, 2007

Contempt for the Lord

I wonder if we realize what it is we do when we don't trust the Lord God. When our attitudes and actions tell God that He would have been better off leaving us to die in desert or live lives as slaves. When tough obstacles appear, it is human nature to be frightened. When our minds can't conceive of how the victory over the present and coming battles will be achieved, it is very easy to give up. The Israelites did this in Numbers. God sent them to explore the land He'd promised them. Their leaders explored for forty days and came back with reports of the fruitfullness of the land, but also of the terror that would contest them for it. Eight out of the ten explorers sowed fear into the hearts of the Israelites. They did not trust Moses to lead them, and they did not trust the Lord to be with them.I think we should understand that there is no justification to walking in the fear that confronts us. It is perfectly normal to be afraid, but it is showing contempt for the Lord when we embrace that fear or make decisions governed by fear. Fear is a terrible master and desires us to be slaves. A decision not to trust the Almighty Sovereign God, is contempt against Him. When we do this, we say to Him, "Surely you did not bring me this far, just to let me fall. Surely you should have left me back in the desert or in slavery, rather than give me false hope. Surely we would have been better off." To that I intellectually respond, "HOGWASH!" Surely there is no better place to be than in the presence of the Lord. Surely there is no better company than the Almighty. Surely there is no other that has ordained the number of our days. Surely there is no other who has died for our sins. Surely we can trust the one true living God.We must walk in trust. The outcome can never clearly be seen with human eyes, but God is not bound by our perspective of the future nor of time itself. It is all the same to Him and He can bend the 'laws of nature' to His whim. He can command the seas to be still, and walk upon them. He can stop time for a day. He can part the Red Sea. He can lead us with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Those who trust in the Lord, are like Mount Zion. They cannot be moved.