Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Reflections of Psalm 46

"God is our help and our strength...a very present help..." - Psalm 46

Oswald Chamber used another verse from this chapter in this morning's devotional. I would put the link in this article but by tomorrow you will only see tomorrow's inspired message...oh wait...that could be good too. Here ya go:

Saharh and I seem to be constantly learning about our smallness in the grand scope of God's design. Louis Giglio's inspiring message entitled "Indescribable" and Andy Stanley's expositions on prayer in American culture have literally forced us to realize our tiny existences. (Oh yeah, let's not leave out life's circumstances). Alone, we have no strength. However we have been equally encouraged by the reassurance of God's tremendousnessnessness. I know that isn't a word but there really isn't a word for what I'm trying to say anyway. Though we are quite tiny, God is not. As Psalms 46 relates time and again...God is our strength. So we will persevere in hopes of finding the grace and mercy for which we will never cease to be in dire need. I leave today with this quote:

"If our hopes seem to be experiencing disappointment right now, it simply means that they are being purified." - Oswald Chambers

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