Saturday, February 23, 2008

Meaningless Conversation...

Some of my friends (mostly from college and high school) and myself can really drive new friends (and family) crazy. We have this...'type of conversation' where we use nothing but quotes from popular culture to communicate. Some of these comments are very random and some of them are amusingly fitting for the time. I've noticed something in myself lately though that resorts to this kind of language when I can't find anything meaningful to say. It's almost like silence around people makes me uncomfortable. I'm not sure exactly as to why this is really. It is unpleasant to my wife when I am this way. She can be very comfortable in silence, but at some point in my life, I began to feel the opposite.

In today's Bible reading, this verse seemed particularly relevant to what I am describing:
Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Now this verse is very useful for the self-righteous when we want to place judgement on others for using foul language. However, I find it at these moments to be rebuking only myself. When I can't think of something useful to say, I say things that are pretty meaningless. The truth is that there is a time for speaking and a time for silence. There is also a time for laughter and having fun with friends. However, I don't need to let this 'meaningless conversation' rob me of the opportunity to seek something 'helpful for building others up according to their needs'. I also don't need to speak so much in general. I guess right now I'm just praying that I will not miss an opportunity to speak truth into someone's life.

Lord Your word says that the tongue cannot be tamed by man. Knowing this, I ask You to tame mine. Sometimes the words that come from my mouth remind me of Paul's duality crisis in Romans 7. In my mind, I am a slave to You Lord. I ask You to please tame my tongue. I wish to let my 'yes' be yes and my 'no' be no, in Your name I ask this. Amen.

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